解放军报融媒体 06-27



Ministry of National Defense: Law Enforcement Measures Taken by China Near Ren ’ ai Jiao are Legitimate, Lawful and Professional

6 月 27 日下午,国防部举行例行记者会,国防部新闻局局长、国防部新闻发言人吴谦大校答记者问。

记者:据报道,菲律宾军方称 6 月 17 日中国海警冲撞菲在仁爱礁执行运补任务的船只,造成 1 名菲船员受伤。美国国务院、国防部官员均指责中方阻止菲方运补行动,称美方依据《美菲共同防御条约》对菲的承诺坚定不移。同时,我们也注意到近期美前海军陆战队官员公开表示,美在利用菲作为工具对付中国,当这个工具不再有用时,美就会抛弃菲。请问发言人对此有何评论?

Question:  The Philippine military said that vessels of the China Coast Guard rammed Philippine ships on a resupply mission to Ren ’ ai Jiao, which left a Filipino sailor injured. Officials of the US Department of State and Department of Defense accused the Chinese side of denying the Philippines from executing resupply missions and said that the US commitment to the Mutual Defense Treaty with the Philippines is ironclad. At the same time, we have also noticed that a former official of the US Marine Corps said publicly that the US is using the Philippines as a tool against China and it will discard the Philippines when there is nothing left. Do you have any comment?

吴谦:包括仁爱礁在内的南沙群岛是中国固有领土,这有着充分的历史和法理依据。近一段时间以来,菲方背信弃义,多次派船冲闯仁爱礁海域,企图向非法 " 坐滩 " 军舰运送建筑材料、武器弹药等,这是造成事态升级的直接原因。特别是 6 月 17 日,菲方还故意以危险方式冲撞中方船只,并向中方人员抛掷石块,有关行径严重违反国际法规定,严重危及双方人员和船艇安全,严重破坏地区和平稳定。面对菲方的侵权挑衅,中方理所当然要采取维权执法措施,这完全合理合法、专业规范。

Wu Qian:  Nansha Qundao including Ren ’ ai Jiao is China ’ s inherent territory, which is fully backed by historical and jurisprudential basis. The Philippine side recently broke its promises and   sent   ships into waters adjacent to Ren ’ ai Jiao multiple times to transport construction materials,   weapons   and ammunitions   to its illegally grounded warship. This is the direct reason of an escalation of the situation. In particular, on June 17th, the Philippine side deliberately rammed Chinese vessels in a dangerous way and threw   rocks at Chinese personnel. Relevant behaviors violate international law, endanger crews and ships of the two sides and undermine regional peace and stability. Facing   infringements and provocation made by the Philippine side, the Chinese side has every reason to take law enforcement measures, which is completely legitimate, lawful and professional.


I want to emphasize that the Ren ’ ai Jiao issue has nothing to do with the US. It ’ s very dangerous and extremely irresponsible for the US to encourage   and support the Philippines in infringements and provocative actions. And it ’ s no use to threaten the Chinese side with the US-Philippine Mutual Defense Treaty.

关于前美军官员 " 菲律宾工具论 " 的表态,国际社会自有公论。无论是历史上的 " 西贡时刻 ",还是 " 喀布尔大溃退 ",都让我想起基辛格先生的一句名言," 做美国的敌人是危险的,但是做美国的盟友则是致命的 "。

Regarding   the remarks made by the former US military official about "the Philippines as a tool", I think the international community will have a fair judgment   on this. Looking back at history, the Saigon moment and the Fall of Kabul both remind me of a saying by the late Henry Kissinger, and here I quote, "Being America ’ s enemy may be dangerous, but being America ’ s friend is fatal."










国防部 the 维权 美国 中国海警



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