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正式公告 |「枢·融」义乌“国际开放枢纽区”统合规划设计国际竞赛正式开启!


2024 · 中国义乌

「枢 · 融」义乌 " 国际开放枢纽区 " 统合规划设计国际竞赛


2024 · Yiwu China

「Hub · Harmony」International Competition

on Integrated Planning and Design of

Yiwu "International Open Hub Area"

Officially starts! Now open for global registration!


The Hub City glories in rolling hills and thriving commerce!

01 竞赛名称 Competition Title

「枢 · 融」

义乌 " 国际开放枢纽区 " 统合规划设计国际竞赛

「Hub · Harmony」

International Competition on

Integrated Planning and Design ofYiwu "International Open Hub Area"

02 项目地点 Project Location

义乌 " 国际开放枢纽区 " 位于浙江省义乌市城市西北部,北邻浦江县。区域内包含义乌站,义乌机场两大交通枢纽,及陆港、海港、高速公路枢纽。详见下图:

Yiwu "International Open Hub Area" is located in the northwest of Yiwu City, Zhejiang Province, neighboring Pujiang County in the north. The area contains two major transportation hubs, Yiwu Station and Yiwu Airport, as well as land ports, seaports and highway hubs. See the map below for details.


Project Location

03 项目背景 Project Background


义乌,古称乌伤,其名源自 " 颜乌至孝侍亲 " 的动人传说。岁月的流转,见证了社会更迭与城邑变迁,也赋予了这座城市独特的文化魅力——崇文、尚武、善贾。

义乌,被称为 " 世界小商品之都 "。改革开放以来,从手摇拨浪鼓走街串巷的敲糖换鸡毛,到如今万商云集的国际性小商品集散中心,义乌坚持和深化 " 兴商建市 ",走出了一条富有自身特色的区域发展道路,其发展特点也被生动形象地概括为 " 莫名其妙 "、" 无中生有 " 以及 " 点石成金 "。

面对全球贸易格局的深刻变革和国内经济的转型升级,义乌勇担重任,以其开放的姿态与世界接轨,以与时代同行的精神推动区域发展,致力于提升国际化枢纽的功能和层次,强化全球资源的集聚效应。通过吸引国际化产业、包容多国多民族文化、打造国际化品质生活,义乌正逐步提高城市的综合承载能力与全球影响力,深度融入共建 " 一带一路 ",实现高质量发展。

义乌 " 国际开放枢纽区 " 位于义乌城市西北部,北邻浦江县。区域内包含义乌站,义乌机场两大交通枢纽,及陆港、海港、高速公路枢纽;同时拥有德胜岩、黄檗山等优质自然资源,及以李祖村为代表等现代精品村落等。环抱绿水青山、汇集多维枢纽、贯通全球脉络、焕发城市新象,借助义乌高铁站和义乌机场扩容扩建的契机,义乌 " 国际开放枢纽区 " 将进一步提升其能级效应,未来也将成为义乌面向国际最佳的形象展示窗口。

Yiwu City is encircled by lush green mountains, and located in the middle of Zhejiang Province, on the eastern edge of Jinqu Basin, east of Dongyang, south of Yongkang and Wuyi, west of Jindong and Lanxi, north of Zhuji and Pujiang.

Anciently known as Wushang, Yiwu derives its name from the touching legend of "Yanwu serve his father with the utmost filial piety." Years have passed, witnessing social changes and urbanization and giving the city a unique civilization charm — culture advocates, revere martial arts, and excel in business.

Yiwu is known as the "world capital of small commodities". From the reform and opening-up, citizens wandered about the streets with rattling drums to "Chicken Feathers for Sugar". Now, the city has become an international small commodity hub. Yiwu follows the inimitable path of regional development since adhering to and deepening the strategy of building the city by promoting business. General Secretary Xi Jinping has been to Yiwu for research and guidance 13 times, describing Yiwu's progress in development as "an unprecedented miracle", "a work of imagination", and "a Midas touch".

Facing the profound changes in the global trade pattern and the transformation and upgrading of the domestic economy, Yiwu dares to take on the vital responsibility of integrating the world with an open attitude and promoting regional development with the spirit of keeping pace with the times and dedicate to upgrading the function and level of the internationalized hub and strengthening the clustering effect of global resources. By attracting international industries, embracing diversified cultures, and creating an international quality of life, Yiwu is gradually improving the city's comprehensive carrying capacity and global influence, deeply integrating into constructing "the Belt and Road Initiative" and realizing high-quality development.

Yiwu "International Open Hub Area" is located northwest of Yiwu, north of Pujiang. The area includes two major transport hubs, Yiwu Station and Yiwu Airport, dry ports, seaports, and highway hubs. Meanwhile, possessing high-quality natural resources, such as Deshengyan and Huangboshan Mountain, and modern high-quality villages like Lizu Village. With the location of lucid waters and lush mountains, Yiwu "International Open Hub Area" will leverage the expansion of Yiwu's high-speed railway station and airport to further improve the capacity effect, gather multidimensional hubs, connect the global network, and revitalize the city's look. In the future, it will also become Yiwu's best image window to the world.

04 竞赛重点 Competition Key Point



To create a new reservoir of commercial hub.

To create a vibrant regional integration complex with air, rail and public transportation hubs as the power engine, international trade and commerce as the core attraction, and diversified life as the continuous vitality.



To create an energy field for innovative industry.

Grasping the convenient advantages of the transportation hub, relying on the air-rail hub economic zone, creating incubation and gathering new quality productivity, creating an open, vibrant, and interactive field full of future technology and creative vitality.



To create a display window for the global image.

Integrate the three major spaces of production, life and ecology, and shape the window that shows Yiwu's industrial take-off, cultural convergence and ecological harmony to the world, and shape the new city's welcome living room of Yiwu in the future.

05 竞赛范围 Competition Scope

本次竞赛针对 3 个不同的设计任务,划定如下 3 个范围:

This competition addresses three distinct design tasks, delimiting the following three scopes:

1) 区域性空间战略研究范围:

东至 G351(近在建苏溪站),西至雪峰西路(近义乌西站),北至德胜岩景区,总面积约 99.2 平方公里。

2) 概念性总体规划范围:

东至西城北路(近义东高速),南至西站大道(近义乌机场),北至德胜岩景区,总面积约 46.7 平方公里。

3) 枢纽核心区城市设计范围:

东至商城大道(近黄檗山景区),南至洪深路,西至机场路,北至沪昆高速、义东高速交界处,总面积约 13.7 平方公里。

1 ) Scope of regional spatial strategy study:

East to G351 ( near Suxi Station under construction ) , west to Xuefeng West Road ( near Yiwu West Station ) , and north to Deshengyan Scenic Area, with a total area of about 99.2 square kilometers.

2 ) Scope of Conceptual Planning:

East to Xicheng North Road ( near Yiwu East Highway ) , south to West Station Avenue ( near Yiwu Airport ) , and north to Deshengyan Scenic Spot, with a total area of about 46.7 square kilometers.

( 3 ) Scope of Urban Design of the Core Area:

East to Shangcheng Avenue ( near Huangboshan Mountain Scenic Area ) , south to Hongshen Road, west to Airport Road, and north to the junction of Hukun Expressway and Yidong Expressway, with a total area of about 13.7 square kilometers.

06 竞赛设计任务 Competition Task

本次竞赛分为如下 3 个设计任务:

The competition is divided into three design tasks as follows:

1)区域性空间战略研究 Regional Spatial Strategy Study

基于 99.2 平方公里的研究范围,主要内容为衔接国土空间规划,重点整合梳理义乌各大枢纽港区之间的交通联系与职能分工。基于场地基础条件,整合各类资源,从国际视角出发,大胆设想、适度超前,针对跨国际贸易物流、高效能区域协同、优质化功能配置、重大产业布局等命题提出符合区域未来发展的相关战略性和引导性的建议。

Based on 99.2 square kilometers, the main content of which is to connect the land space planning, focusing on integrating and sorting out the transportation links and functional division of labor among the major hub port areas in Yiwu. Based on the primary conditions of the site incorporating various types of resources, from an international perspective boldly envisioning and moderately ahead of the curve, according to the proposal, cross-international trade logistics, high-performance regional synergism, high-quality functional configuration, and significant industrial layout contribute relevant strategic and guiding recommendations for the region's future development.

2)概念性总体规划 Conceptual Planning

基于 46.7 平方公里的规划范围,以空、铁、公综合交通枢纽规划范围作为载体,包含义乌高铁新城、机场空港及临港区、后宅片区、德胜岩 / 黄檗山景区等,通过要素和资源评价对城市空间进行整体谋划。深化 " 枢 · 融 " 的理念,依托空铁枢纽经济区,深入研究区域内产业规划、城市空间布局、对内对外综合交通网络等,构建义乌国际综合枢纽高效、高水平运行体系,打造独具义乌特色的开放枢纽门户。同时,合理确定片区开发功能和容量,提出适合本区域的、兼具开放性和创意性的总体规划理念与策略。

Based on 46.7 square kilometers, with the planning scope of air, railway, and public transportation hub as the carrier, including Yiwu High-speed Railway New City, Aerial Port and Port Area, Houzhai Area, Deshengyan / Huangboshan Mountain Scenic Spot, etc., through evaluation of elements and resources to overall planning the urban space. Deepening the concept of "Hub-Harmony", relying on the air-rail hub economic zone, lucubrate the region's industrial planning, urban spatial layout, internal and external comprehensive transport network, etc., to build a high-efficient, high-level operation system of Yiwu International Comprehensive Hub, to create an open hub and gateway with unique characteristics of Yiwu. At the same time, rationally determine the development functions and capacity of the area, and forward master-planning concepts and strategies that are suitable for the region and that are both open and creative.

3)枢纽核心区城市设计 Urban Design of the Core Area

基于 13.7 平方公里的设计范围,围绕高铁新城和后宅片区核心区作为承载枢纽核心功能的潜力开发空间进行城市设计,打造以义乌北部商旅新城,宜居宜业城市客厅,文旅科创新质窗口为特征的义乌城市新门户。此外,在枢纽核心区 13.7 平方公里内,根据设计需求,自主选定 1-2 处,总面积不少于 6 平方公里的区域作为重点片区,进行详细城市设计工作。

Based on the design scope of 13.7 square kilometers, urban design is carried out around the core area of the new high-speed railway city and Houzhai district as the potential development space carrying the core functions of the hub to build a new gateway for the Yiwu city with the characteristics: a new town for commercial and tourist in the north of Yiwu, a greeting lobby for the livable and business city, a window with innovative quality for the town of culture, tourism, science and technology. In addition, within the 13.7 square kilometers of the hub's core area, 1-2 places with a total area of not less than 6 square kilometers will be independently selected as key areas for detailed urban design work according to the design requirements.

竞赛范围图 Competition Scope

07 竞赛赛程 Competition Schedule

* 竞赛赛程最终以组织单位发布的公告或通知为准

* The competition schedule is subject to the announcement or notification issued by the organizations.

08 竞赛费用 Fees

费用总金额为 900 万元,其中国际竞赛阶段奖金为 660 万元,后续成果深化设计服务费为 240 万元。以上费用均含税,以人民币结算。具体分配如下:

第一名奖金(1 家):240 万元(含税)

第二名奖金(1 家):190 万元(含税)

第三名奖金(1 家):140 万元(含税)

第四名奖金(1 家):90 万元(含税)

后续成果深化设计服务费:240 万元(含税)

备注:评审会中专家评委根据参赛单位提交的方案评定出获奖单位名次,主办单位根据专家评委的专业技术评审意见,综合各参赛单位的综合实力,在前二名的获奖单位中,选定 1 家单位作为本项目的后续深化设计单位,负责本项目的优化整合及后续深化设计工作,深化设计时间约为 3 个月。

The total fee is 9 million RMB, of which the international competition phase Bonus Fee is 6.6 million RMB, and the Results Deepening Fee is 2.4 million RMB. The above fees include taxes and settled in RMB. The specific allocation is as follows:

First prize ( 1 ) : 2.4 million RMB ( incl. GST )

Second prize ( 1 ) : 1.9 million RMB ( incl. GST )

Third prize ( 1 ) : 1.4 million RMB ( incl. GST )

Finalist ( 1 ) : 0.9 million RMB ( incl. GST )

Subsequent Detailed Design: 2.4 million RMB ( incl. GST )

Expert judges will determine the rank of participating units based on the proposals during the review meeting. The host, guided by the expert judges' professional and technical opinions and considering each participating unit's overall strength, will select one unit from the top two winners to be the subsequent detailed design unit for the project. The duration of the consulting service for the following detailed design unit is about three months.

09 报名要求 Registration Requirements


(2)接受联合体参赛,要求联合体成员单位的数量不得超过 3 家,且联合体中的成员单位不得再单独或与其他单位另行组成联合体进行报名。以联合体进行报名的,须提交具有法律效力的《联合体协议书》,《联合体协议书》中并明确牵头单位、收款账户信息、项目负责人、各方工作分工等信息,如各方分工有权责不清或遗漏,联合体牵头单位负有兜底责任。


(4)拒绝下列情况的 2 家或 2 家以上的单位同时报名参赛:法定代表人为同一个人的不同单位、关系系母公司和全资子公司的不同单位。

( 1 ) All applicant units must hold a valid business license registered in their respective countries ( or equivalent legal documents overseas ) and must be independent legal entity. Entries from non-independent legal entities or natural persons will not be accepted.

( 2 ) Consortium shall be accepted for the application with member numbers do not exceed three. The member units in the consortium are not allowed to register individually or form a separate consortium with other design units. If a consortium is to be registered, a legally binding Consortium Agreement shall be submitted, in which the leading unit, collection account information, project leader, division of labor of all parties and other information shall be clearly defined. The leading unit of the consortium shall be responsible if the division of labor of all parties has unclear rights and responsibilities or omissions.

( 3 ) If the applicant units ( including the consortium or its member units ) is an overseas unit, it must have a legally registered business scope in the country or region where it is located. In order to ensure smooth and effective communication and coordination, it is required that the personnel responsible for communication and coordination in the applicant units must be fluent in Chinese.

( 4 ) Rejection of entry of 2 or more units under the following circumstances: Different units whose legal representatives are the same person, or different units whose relationship is between a parent company and a wholly-owned subsidiary.

10 注册报名 Registration

凡有意参加本次竞赛的参赛单位,请进入拾分之壹竞赛官方网站查看竞赛,搜索 " 拾分之壹官网 " 即可。


If you are interested in participating in this competition, please search "onetenth art company"

Detailed materials about the competition can be downloaded after registration.

11 提交内容及方式 Submission


Phase I: Qualification Pre-selection and Concept Proposal Selection Phase

参赛单位(或联合体)按照要求提交报名文件和概念提案。概念提案的内容要求:需要展现对义乌城市发展以及义乌 " 国际开放枢纽区 " 的整体理解及建议,包括目标定位、发展理念、空间规划等内容。概念提案的深度要求:提出区域性的空间战略方向,提出明确的区域定位,完成总体规划范围内的概念方案、功能结构和核心枢纽区城市设计的初步构思等设计内容。概念提案的表达形式:以 3 张 A0 展板(只接收 3 张)形式体现概念提案。


Participating units ( or consortiums ) shall submit application documents and conceptual proposal as required. Content: The concept proposal needs to show the overall understanding and suggestions on Yiwu ‘ s urban development and the Yiwu "International Open Hub Area", including the target positioning, development concept, spatial planning, etc. Depth: Proposing regional spatial strategic directions, a clear positioning of the region, complete the overall conceptual scheme, functional structure within the scope of the master plan, and preliminary urban design concept of core area, etc. Presentation: Conceptual proposal in the form of 3 A0 panels ( only 3 will be accepted ) .

( Please refer to the Rules and Regulations for details and requirements )

评审委员会将对参赛者提交的报名文件及概念提案等材料进行综合评审,遴选出前 4 名报名单位作为 4 家入围单位,第 5 名和第 6 名作为 2 家备选单位。如选出的入围单位中有因故不能参赛的,由备选单位依序替补。4 家入围单位在得到确定入围通知后,按时提交《参与确认函》、《保密承诺函》、《知识产权转让协议》等文件。在组织单位确认其提交的文件有效后,将确立其正式参赛资格。

The review committee will conduct a comprehensive review of the application documents and concept proposal and other materials submitted by the applicant units, the top 5 applicant units will be selected as 4 shortlisted units, and the 5th and 6th will be selected as 2 alternatives. If any of the selected shortlisted units are unable to participate in the competition for any reason, there will be alternative units to replace them in that order. The 4 shortlisted units shall submit the Participation Confirmation Letter, Confidential Undertaking Commitment, Agreement on Transfer of Intellectual Property Rights of Entries and other documents on time after they have been notified of the determination of the participating units. After the organizations confirm the validity of the submitted documents, it will establish its formal eligibility to participate in the competition.


Phase II: Competition Proposal Preparation and Review Phase

在确定 4 家参赛单位资格后,组织单位将向其提供详细的设计参考资料,参赛单位正式开始竞赛方案设计及成果编制工作。评审委员会根据参赛单位提交的成果方案评定出获奖单位名次。


After determining the eligibility of the five participating units, the organizations will provide them with detailed design reference materials, and the participating units will formally start the design of the competition scheme and the preparation of the results. The review committee will determine the top three winners based on the results submitted by the participating units.

(Please refer to the Rules and Regulations & Brief for details and requirements.)


Phase III: Subsequent Results Deepening Phase

主办单位根据专家评委的专业技术评审意见,综合各参赛单位的综合实力,在前二名的获奖单位中,选定 1 家单位作为本项目的后续深化设计单位,负责本项目的优化整合及成果深化设计工作,深化设计时间约为 3 个月。 ( 具体内容及要求详见《规则文件》)

The hosts, guided by the expert judges' professional and technical opinions and considering each participating unit's overall strength, will select one unit from the top two winners to be the subsequent detailed design unit for the project. The duration of the consulting service for the following detailed design unit is about three months.

( Please refer to the Rules and Regulations for details and requirements )

12 组织单位 Organizations

主办单位 : 义乌市自然资源和规划局义乌铁路与综合枢纽建设管理指挥部

协办单位 : 上海拾分之壹文化艺术有限公司

Hosts:Yiwu Natural Resources and Planning BureauYiwu Railway and Comprehensive Hub Construction Management Command

Co-organizer:One-tenth Art Company


1. 本次公告内容中英文信息如有争议或不一致,以中文为准。

2. 最终解释权归主办单位所有所有。


1. In case of any discrepancy between the English version and the Chinese version, the Chinese version shall prevail.

2. The final right of interpretation rests with the hosts.

* 本次竞赛的具体信息,以下平台也将持续跟进发布,敬请关注!

*The following platforms will continue to follow up on the release of specific information about this competition, so please stay tuned!

Yiwu People's Government ( Website )

Yiwu Railway and Comprehensive Hub Construction Management Command ( WeChat Official Account ) Onetenth Art Company (WeChat Official Account)








义乌 竞赛 the 高速公路



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