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MG技术公司LMG-A-GP机枪亮相 中口径全威力弹药 空枪重6.8千克


在华盛顿特区举办的美国陆军协会(AUSA)年会展览会现场,MG 技术公司(MG Technologies)展出了一挺新型机枪。

这挺机枪是根据该公司与美国特种作战司令部(SOCOM)签署的合作研究与开发协议(CRADA)设计的 LMG-A-GP,作为改进现役 Mk48 机枪性能的演示原型枪。该枪配备速换枪管,枪管长度为 12.5 英寸(318mm)至 18 英寸(457mm)。当安装 12.5 英寸枪管时,该枪重量为 6.8 千克。

美国特种部队装备的 Mk48 机枪是海军特种作战中心(NSWC)与比利时 FN 公司联合研制的,将 5.56 × 45mm 口径的 Mk46 机枪进行放大,成为 7.62 × 51mm 口径的中型机枪,并取消了弹匣供弹和可调导气箍功能。Mk48 机枪重 8.28 千克,尽管比 M240B 的 12.29 千克轻了 33%,但仍然没有达到理想的目标,并且对射击精度和使用寿命造成负面影响。

与 Mk48 一样,这挺机枪口径同样为 7.62 × 51mm,但可以更换为 6.5 克里德莫尔和 .300 BLK,这两种口径分别为美国特种作战司令部小口径狙击弹药和微声弹药。据称内部有缓冲器,可以吸收连续后坐力,不会对机匣产生影响。推测因为机匣不会受到过多的力量,所以会采用较薄的钢板制造,减轻了整体重量。

虽然它不是为美国特种作战司令部目前推动的 " 轻机枪 - 突击(LMG-A,Lightweight Machine Gun – Assault)" 计划专门设计的,但它肯定会成为有力的竞争者。LMG-A 计划旨在取代美国特种作战司令部现役的 Mk48 机枪,该计划似乎仍在进行评估,仍有竞争者出现。

这是 LMG-A 计划的招标要求原文,有兴趣的朋友可以自行了解。

The LMG-A shall be a lightweight belt fed, multi-caliber system which will include a primary barrel, spare barrel, with required bolts, barrels, and operating groups for each caliber, buttstock, receiver, sound/signature suppressor, operator manual, cleaning kit, operator tool kit, maintainer tool kit, spare parts kit, training munition kit, bipod, backup iron sights, sling, and a Transportation Security Administration ( TSA ) approved locking hard carrying case capable of storing a fully accessorized weapon.

The LMG-A will extend the range of suppressive fire capability out to 1500m. The LMG-A shall be accurate to 6.0 MOA ( T ) / 3.0 MOA ( O ) at 100 yards firing 7.62mm NATO ammunition and USSOCOM TDP 6.5CM ammunition. USSOCOM is also interested the capability of the LMG-A to adopt other calibers such as 6.8x51mm high pressure ammunition ( U.S. Army TDP ) and the .264 Lightweight Intermediate Caliber Cartridge ( .264 LICC ) via caliber conversion kits.

SOCOM has been interacting with industry for years discussing a 6.5 CM gun. During SHOT Show, 7.62 NATO entered the picture. I asked someone in industry why and was told that the answer is that there ’ s loads of 7.62 ammo available. ( Naturally, I immediately said, ".276 Pederson." ) Word is that the 6.5CM ammo programs aren ’ t progressing very quickly, so like with 300 BLK on RASR, they ’ re moving forward with an ammo supply they can rely on.

They are shooting for a gun which weighs, at its heaviest, 17 lbs. At that weight, it ’ s just a pound lighter than the Mk48 it ’ s replacing. The new gun has to handle 6.5CM which isn ’ t an issue but those other calibers could be tough for some guns, especially as you get down to the objective weight of 12.75 lbs which is around what the developmental model of the KAC LAMG in 6.5CM weighs.

The command has publicly released these additional requirements:

Operation and Performance characteristics

a ) The LMG-A shall be capable of firing in fully automatic and semi-automatic firing modes.

b ) The LMG-A shall have an ambidextrous safety selector that prevents the weapon from being fired when the trigger is depressed and the weapon is on SAFE ( T ) , capable of charging the weapon when the weapon is on SAFE ( O ) .

c ) The LMG-A shall be capable of firing 7.62x51mm NATO family of belted ammunition to include training munitions, and USSOCOM TDP 6.5 Creedmoor belted ammunition via left-hand feed.

d ) The LMG-A shall have AMR not to exceed 6.0 MOA ( T ) , 3.0 MOA ( O ) at 100 meters ( 109 yards ) when firing 7.62 NATO ammunition.

e ) The LMG-A shall be equipped with quick-change barrels in assault and standard configurations.

f ) The LMG-A shall be capable of being suppressed, while reducing the signature of the weapon in flash, ground disturbance, sound, and gas blowback. The suppressor shall not modify the rate of fire by more than 10% ( T ) or 2% ( O ) .

g ) The LMG-A suppressor shall be of a quick-detach, lockable design, and minimize Point of Aim/Point of Impact shift when mounted or dismounted.

h ) The LMG-A shall have a two-position, non-reciprocating charging handle that is operable and moveable to both the left and right-hand side of the weapon.

i ) The LMG-A shall have a user-adjustable bipod that is rapidly deployable/stowable and provides tension and lockup upon loading.

j ) The LMG-A buttstock shall have an adjustable for length ( T ) , collapsable ( T ) side folding ( O ) , and adjustable cheek riser ( O ) that does not interfere with the function of the weapon.

k ) The LMG-A shall have a maximum overall length with bipod attached, buttstock, and barrel ( with suppressor ) of 49.0 inches ( T ) less than or equal to 44.0 inches ( O ) .   Sights and other accessories will not be included in the weight requirement.

l ) The LMG-A shall weigh no more than 17.0lbs ( T ) , 12.75lbs ( O ) .

m ) The LMG-A shall have Mil-STD-1913 rails, with numbered slots at the 12 o ’ clock position with a minimum of 8.50 inches aft of the feed tray cover for optical sights.

n ) LMG-A shall have M-LOK attachment points at the 3, 6, and 9 o ’ clock positions on the forward handguard to support the attachment of accessories and enablers.

o ) The LMG-A shall have a rate of fire between 500-750 rounds per minute ( T=O ) .

p ) The LMG-A shall minimize felt recoil across all firing modes.

q ) The LMG-A shall have a single mounting point for DoD-common weapons mounts.

r ) the LMG-A shall have a mounting point for common ammunition carrying boxes or soft pouches.








机枪 美国 美国陆军 the 华盛顿



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